Quran Tajwid Certifications​

What is an ijaza?

An ijaza certifies that an individual completed the study of a text, topic, or field, under the guidance and instruction of a teacher, who certifies and verifies that the student attained a certain level of understanding and proficiency. This then connects the student in a chain of knowledge leading back to the Prophet ﷺ.

The Quran was initially memorized by the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and the first Muslims who then taught it to their children and communities, who then taught it to their children and communities, and so on.

From this passing over generations began a chain of reciters, or sanad, of those who had memorized the Quran leading back to the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. As Islam continued to spread across the world to people whose tongues weren’t accustomed to pronouncing the Arabic sounds in the Quran, the science of recitation developed to address the phonetics and phonology of the Quran. The phonetics of the Quran refers to the study of sounds in terms of how the tongue is placed for each letter (called makharij) and the characteristics or manner of each sound (sifaat). Phonology refers to certain pronunciation rules that occur based on context, like elongating vowels in certain circumstances or blending sounds in other situations. These rules all together fall under an integral part of Quranic studies and that is the science of tajwid. Read more

How to get started

Submit an Tajwid Assessment and Arabice Placement Test.

Register in the level you are advised. See Enrollment > Academic Calendar for registration dates.

All students starting in the Tajwid Program must complete an online Placement Test for both Arabic and Tajwid to ensure they are starting at the right level.