Faith in Focus: An Introduction to Islam | Recordings

Instructor: Ribaat Instructors

Duration: Pre-recorded lectures


Course Description:

This online, self-paced short course will provide an introduction to Islam for those who are interested in learning more about the faith. Attendees will gain an understanding of the faith and practice of Islam, with special emphasis on the spiritual dimensions of Islam as well as the  practical aspects of living life as a Muslim. Attendees will gain a greater appreciation for the significant, and often overlooked, contributions of Islam and Muslims to society. Those who are new to Islam will learn how to perform the essential acts of worship, and will gain an understanding of how to integrate Islam into their daily lives by maintaining a sense of identity, autonomy, and building relationships and community.

Recommended Text:
  • Being Muslim: A Practical Guide by Asad Arsin.
  • The Shafi’i Manual of Purity, Prayer and Fasting by Tashfeen Ekram.
  • Project Lina: Bringing Our Whole Selves to Islam by Dr. Tamara Gray & Najiyah Maxfield.

Ribaat textbooks are available to enrolled students at Rabata Bookshop.


Registration fee (non-refundable, non-transferable):

Contact: For inquiries, contact

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