Ustadha Samia Mubarak serves as a Quran instructor at the Ribaat Academic Institute. She completed her memorization of the Quran at age of 23, shortly after attaining her Bachelor’s degree in Communications with a minor in Psychology from Florida State University. Since then, she has formally studied with a number of scholars and religious seminaries.

Ustadha Samia has a love for Quran recitation and is currently working on an ijāza (Quranic memorization certification) in Hafs recitation with Kiflayn in Amman, Jordan. Samia is also currently a student of the Muddakir Quran Tafseer and Memorization program under the guidance of Ustadha Huda Ghadban (may Allah reward her), and is also a student of Al-Madina Suhba Seminary under the guidance of Shaykh Mokhtar Maghraoui (may Allah reward him), where she is studying a variety of courses, including tazkiya, usul al-fiqh, aqeeda, and al-haqiqa al-Muhammadiyya ﷺ, among others.

She has studied Quranic Sciences extensively under the guidance and mentorship of Dr. Shaykha Zainab Alwani (may Allah reward her). Ustadha Samia has also taken classes with Anse Dr. Tamara Gray through Rabata and is a graduate of the Fawakih Quranic-Arabic summer program.

Ustadha Samia is also the founder of Quranic Ocean, a guided platform dedicated to building personal and emotional connections with Allah’s words. Ustadha Samia spent most of her childhood and teen summers in Amman, Jordan, where she first began her journey in Quranic memorization, tawjeed and Arabic grammar.

Much of Ustadha Samia’s inspiration comes from her grandfathers, Sheikh Ibrahim Zaid Al-Kilani and Sheikh Mohammad Al-Mubarak, who were scholars of their time, dedicating their lives to teaching Allah’s words and reviving the sunnah of RasulAllah ﷺ, with each of them having a direct lineage to our Beloved Prophet and Messenger Muhammad ﷺ. May Allah have mercy on them both and make Ustadha Samia’s continuous efforts in sharing love of the Quran a sadaqa jāriya (ongoing charity) for them 🤲🏼.

Ustadha Samia is a single mom to two girls, one of which was born with a very rare syndrome called CHILD and has special medical needs, alhamdulillah. She is a home barista and loves pouring latte art! She hopes to help people dive deep into the Quranic ocean so they can find comfort and reassurance through Allah’s words amidst the varying circumstances of life. She has a unique ability of helping people tap into their emotions through the words of Allah ﷻ.

Ustadha Samia began teaching with Ribaat in 2023.