Ustadha Nadia S. Ahmed serves as an Arabic instructor at the Ribaat Academic Institute. She completed her studies at Jaamia Ayesha Siddiqua, covering all the areas of Islamic Studies, Quran, and Arabic.  She spent six years studying both classical and modern literary Arabic, in addition to classical texts in other fields, including tafsīr, ‘aqīda, tajwīd, hadīth, fiqh, sīra, and Islamic history.

Born and raised in Hyderabad, Pakistan, Ustadha Nadia joined Jaamia Ayesha Siddiqua in Karachi in 1996 after completing high school. After graduating in 2002, she taught tafsīr, usūl al-tafsīr, fiqh, conversational Arabic (al-Hiwār), Arabic grammar, poetry, literature, and calligraphy at the same institute.

She moved to the United States in 2010 and co-founded Nakhlah Institute with the goal of providing higher Islamic education. Through Nakhlah, she taught Arabic language and Tafsīr to women and girls in the community. In her local community, she runs a hifdh program and is also actively involved with the Islamic Center of New England, Sharon. 

In the US, she continues to deepen her knowledge by studying with local teachers, including Shaykh Jihad Brown, Anse Tamara Gray, and Shaykh Khalil Abdur-Rashid. Ustadha Nadia strongly believes that learning Arabic with the intention of preserving the language of the Quran is a profound spiritual journey in which every single letter or a new vocabulary word or a new grammatical concept that we learn and apply takes us one step closer to Allah Most High.

In order to contextualize her classical training, she attends seminars on modernity, feminism, liberalism, atheism, and other relevant topics. Ustadha Nadia Salma currently resides in Sharon, MA with her husband and kids.

Ustadha Nadia began teaching Arabic grammar with Ribaat in 2020.