Saffiyya Mohammed currently works in sales and marketing. She holds a Bachelor of Science Environmental and Natural Resource Management with a minor in Marine Biology.

Born and raised in the twin island state of Trinidad and Tobago, in the Caribbean, Saffiyya still resides there. Her Rabata journey began in 2016, as she was searching for Muslim women’s voices in literature, online spaces, and the deen, and came across Anse Dr. Tamara Gray and Ribaat, an answered dua, and the lifeline that is Rabata. She hopes to continue along her Rabata journey of learning and open the Caribbean chapter so other women can be part of this amazing community, learn and thrive.

She aspires to be part of the rising tide of female scholars, and tell the stories of Caribbean Muslim female scholars. She enjoys reading, traveling – especially retreats and meeting diverse Muslim women from around the globe.