Fadiyah Mian was born and raised in Michigan by her parents Naseem and Muhammad Mian. She is 1 of 4 daughters. Fadiyah currently resides in New Jersey with her husband and 4 children. She received her B.S. in Psychology from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. She went on to study teaching in a dual masters and certification program. She has taught in the Islamic school system for a number of years and is currently homeschooling 3 of her 4 children. She is the lead of the Rabata Masjid, which oversees the Ibadah programming of Rabata. She is also a tajwīd teacher for the Ribaat tajwīd program. She first met Anse Tamara Gray when she went abroad to study in Syria in the late 90’s and early 2000’s. During this period, she was able to complete her training in tajwīd and received her ijāzah by the late Shaykh Muhyi al-Din al-Kurdi. She is from the first graduating class of Ribaat of 2020. In her spare time, she enjoys gardening, cooking, painting, taking nature walks and travelling. She also teaches for Rabata’s youth programs, Dragonflies and Rabateens, and is a Rabata women’s halaqa teacher.