Dr. Sana Shireen Ahmed is a Medical Epidemiologist working for a local health department. She grew up in the Chicago suburbs and obtained her bachelors and medical degree from the University of Illinois at Chicago. After completing post-graduate training, she completed a fellowship in infectious diseases at Stanford University. She was disturbed by the health disparities and lack of access to healthcare while working in a county hospital. With her mentor’s support, she worked as an Epidemic Intelligence Service officer at the Centers of Diseases Control and Prevention and trained in applied epidemiology. Working as a disease detective, she investigated outbreaks all across the country, worked on projects in the Dominican Republic and Bangladesh, and authored public health articles. She enjoyed combining her learning with travel, having studied Arabic in Egypt and tropical medicine in Peru. Sana has taught elementary aged students sira and basic tajwid at the Islamic Society of Northwest Suburbs and is a Ribaat volunteer. She loves spending time with family.