Dr. Amena Hakim is a general practitioner living in London, United Kingdom. Originally from Lebanon, Dr. Amena grew up studying under the tutelage of her parents, both of whom hold a degree in Sharia, and with various female scholars on her visits to Lebanon. She later went on to gain a BSc(Hons) in Biomedical Science at the University of Westminster and went on to study Medicine at the University of St. George’s, London. She is also a member of the Royal College of General Practitioners. Dr. Amena enjoys singing nasheeds and is a member of the Hakim sisters nasheed group, who have performed nationally and internationally. Dr. Amena works within the community to bring back the joy and happiness of our faith. She serves as the Halaqat lead at Rabata and is a halaqa teacher, and has been involved in the setting up and the running of a Saturday Arabic school called Dar Alfarah. She also runs Islamic circles for women to aid the remembrance of Allah and reignite His love and closeness in their hearts. In addition the Ribaat Teacher Certification, Dr. Amena holds an Ijazah in the Forty Hadith of Imam Nawawi.