Anse Rydanah Dahman serves as an Islamic Studies instructor at the Ribaat Academic Institute. She holds an AS in Computer Programming and Applications and studied pharmacy in Syria for 3 years before moving to the United States. She now also holds a position as a certified IRS Enrolled Agent.

Anse Rydanah received traditional Islamic knowledge from her teachers in Syria and teaches a variety of subjects including usūl, tafsīr, hadīth, and fiqh, and is frequently invited as a guest speaker at local colleges and universities. She has dedicated her life to teaching Islam, leading weekly halaqas in her community in Tampa Bay, Florida for the past 30 years and has played a vital role as part of Ribaat’s teaching faculty. Anse Rydanah states about teaching at Ribaat, “I love the idea of providing a taste of what Allah (swt) allowed us to get from our teachers, and to be part of a safe, reliable, and effective teaching institution.”

Anse Rydanah comes from a large and loving family with many siblings, children of her own, one of whom she describes as “a true angel” due to being diagnosed with Angelman Syndrome, and three grandchildren. With the little time she has left in between working, family, and teaching, she enjoys reading, writing, and needlework.

She has been teaching with Ribaat since its inception in 2013.