Anse Ola Habbab serves as a Tajwīd instructor at the Ribaat Academic Institute.  She holds a degree in Computer Engineering from Syrian Virtual University in Damascus and a Web Development Certificate from a graduate program completed at Sacred Heart University in Fairfield, CT. Over the years, she also acquired her certifications in Quran and tajwīd, through which she serves and teaches women around the world.

Syrian-born, Anse Ola spent her childhood and adolescence between the US, Lebanon, and Syria. She spent 10 years under the teaching and guidance of her teachers, with whom she learned tajwīd, fiqh, ‘aqīda, and hadīth, and earned an ijāza in both Quran and al-Qāʿida al-Nūrāniyya. Anse Ola studied She currently resides in Connecticut.

Anse Ola has been teaching tajwid with Ribaat since 2015 and also works with tajwīd students one-on-one as part of the Quran Program.