Anse Nahal Dahman serves as a Tajwīd instructor at the Ribaat Academic Institute. Anse Nahal studied Library and Information Sciences at Damascus University and received an ijāza in tajwīd of the Holy Quran in the Hafs recitation.

Born in Syria, Anse Nahal spent her youth studying the sacred sciences. These studies traversed many topics including fiqh, tafsīr, ‘aqīda, and hadīth. Additionally, she was honored and blessed to take the sīra of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ with Shaykha Anse Samirah al-Zayed (may Allah grant her the highest of ranks in Paradise).

Anse Nahal later studied Early Childhood Education and has spent the past two decades teaching Quran, Islamic studies, and Arabic. Since leaving Syria, she has lived in Canada and now resides in California with her family where she continues to teach and serve the community.

Anse Nahal began teaching tajwid with Ribaat in 2019 and currently teaches Level 1 Quran fluency.