Anse Miski Dayib serves as a Tajwīd instructor at the Ribaat Academic Institute and also teaches in the RabaTEENS program. She graduated with a degree in Nutrition Studies from the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities in 2021.
A Somali-American, Minnesota-born-and-bred, life-long learner, Anse Miski worked as a public health nutritionist and health disparities researcher. She has extensive experience in type 2 diabetes research with a particular focus on the development of culturally-competent interventions for patients with limited English proficiency. Her other academic interests include nutritional biochemistry, public health, and community medicine.
Anse Miski began her Islamic Studies education through Abubakar As-Siddique Islamic Center (AAIC) Dugsi based in Minneapolis, where she was a student of Quran memorization and tajwīd. She then went on to graduate from AAIC Institute with a two-year degree program in the foundational Islamic Sciences in 2016. Currently, Anse Miski continues her studies with local teachers and is an incoming student of Shaykh Mokhtar Maghraoui’s Suhba Seminary program as well as Ribaat Academic Institute with a focus on tajwīd. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her family, running, and sampling good-quality matcha.
She began teaching at Rabata in the summer of 2023.