Anse Dr. Farhana Yunus serves as a Tafsīr instructor at the Ribaat Academic Institute. Anse Farhana earned her Doctor of Optometry degree and works as an optometrist. As a lifelong student of sacred knowledge, she completed the Ribaat Teacher Certification through the Ribaat Academic Institute in 2020 and completed Bayyinah Access 1, 2, and 3. She also studied the Ajroomiyah with Qutoof Academy, completed tajwīd and studied the Jazariyyah with Rahman School of Orlando, and studied with Islamic Online Institute with the Islamic Circle of North America Sisters Wing.

Anse Dr. Farhana has been teaching Tafsīr of the Quran for over 10 years and currently runs a study circle for women of Qur’an Tafsīr and Sīra. She also organizes the women’s Annual Spirit Retreat, has served on the Muslim Women’s Organization Board, and is a Girl Scout Troop leader.

She is a mother of five children, who loves to travel, hike, kayak, run Disney marathons, and spend time with her family.

She joined Ribaat as an instructor in 2021, and also teaches for both Rabata youth programs, RabaTEENS and Dragonflies. Anse Dr. Farhana also leads a Rabata halaqa.